Saturday, 30 August 2014



  • The title of this film 'Orphan' is written in white suggesting to the audience that perhaps the girl in the image could be innocent as those in an orphanage are normally seen as vulnerable and kind. It could also suggest that it was written with chalk, suggesting that maybe she is very old school and that she has a very chilling presence because the sound of a chalk on a chalkboard is very loud and screechy. 
  • Next, the title also has an overlapping effect on the letters making it seem as though they are blurry to the viewers eyes, this could relate to the mental state of the girl as she is trying to make us seem as though it is us but really its just an effect. 
  • Also the title first starts with lower case letters and then goes into upper case letters suggesting that she starts of as a child, and then eventually her actions and words get bigger. It could also imply that because it isn't written properly that she doesn't really know what she's doing.

  • The title of this horror film is a lot more simple, it just has the words of the horror film on it against a black background. This is so that the title stands out and it is clearly shown to the audience especially the effect on the word 'night'. 
  • The word 'night' is written differenly to prom and has a dragging effect to it. This suggests to the audience how this isn't an ordinary prom night as it has bits of the word draining away and not in a good way. 
  • Also the font of the title is written in an american baseball type of font, suggesting that this is where it could be set. 
  • Lastly, because it is written in red it clearly suggests that this is going to be gruesome as red relates to blood and usually proms are seen as a happy time so they clearly wanted to show the audience that this isn't a happy film otherwise they would have chosen a different colour scheme. 

  • This last title is on 'Thirteen ghosts'. It has a more of a misty look to the title, this could be relate to how ghosts are usually hazy and murky which is why the text isn't very sharp and precise. 
  • Also in the word 'thirteen' instead of using the t and e they decided to incorporate the actual number instead which adds a cool effect to the title. This is could be because they really wanted to highlight the idea of 13 ghosts being in this film, which suggests to the audience that there is going to be a lot of scary things happening. 
  • Next the number 13 and ghosts are a lot more showcased than the other words by having them both in bolder writing and filling them in with a bright white colour. This could be to automatically attract the audience again to the idea of there being 13 ghosts in the film and how the characters are going to have to conquer those. 
  • Lastly, like all the other titles the title is written on a dark background which is black with a mixture of red, this implies that there is going to blood involved in the film, suggesting to the audience that the film could tell us the history about why there are so many ghosts in the film or whether there will be ghosts to be added to the number after the film.
By looking at different film titles it helps me generate ideas on how I need showcase my film yet not give away to much. It also helped because now I know what certain things to add and look carefully into as well as what is already popular such as the idea of the writing to be on a dark background. 

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